Welcome to the Calgary twig of Editors Canada!

Editors Calgary was formed in February 2015. For more information about editing in Calgary, including Editors Calgary social events and professional development opportunities, we invite you to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, Twig Talk.

Contact Information

General Inquiries:


2024 Co-Chairs:

Karen Crosby

Jackie Lewis

Past Chairs:

Brenna Bailey-Davies

Trisha Loehr

Ryan Smith

Anna Shannon & Lindsay Thornitt

Christine Beevis Trickett

News and Updates

Do you want to contribute to Editors Calgary’s Linkedin page?

If you have ideas for our Linkedin page, if you want to share your knowledge, expertise, and get yourself out there, get in touch. We’d love to hear from you, and grow our community!

Are you an editor in Edmonton? We are looking for a co-chair to join the tri-force. Help connect Edmonton’s editors and contribute to our province-wide online events. Email us to learn what is involved.

Opportunity to Speak Virtually for Edmonton Public Library
The Edmonton Public Library would like to hire an Alberta editor to give a virtual talk for 60–90 minutes aimed at early-career writers and self-publishing authors who are not used to being edited. Topics of interest include types of editing, why and how to hire an editor, finding a good match, working with an editor, common pitfalls, and troubleshooting. The format can be any combination of speaking, presenting, and answering questions, or a moderated Q&A. The editor and library would agree on a mutually convenient date and time in November; the library gets the best turnout on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 7:00 pm. Payment will be $175 by cheque, issued 1–2 weeks after the event. If you are interested, please email the co-chairs before end of day Friday, October 11, with a summary of your editing and speaking experience. We will pass names of qualified candidates to the library.

Meetings and Events

February 2025 Book Club
Our next book club pick, for early 2025, is the second edition of Elements of Indigenous Style: A Guide for Writing By and About Indigenous Peoples, by Gregory Younging. (Release date is January 13, 2025, but you can pre-order now.) Trusted by writers, editors, publishers, researchers, scholars, journalists, and communications professionals around the world, the second edition of Elements of Indigenous Style will continue to offer crucial guidance to everyone who works with words on how to accurately, collaboratively, and ethically participate in projects involving Indigenous Peoples. 

Virtual meeting: Tuesday, February 18 7:00–8:30 pm Virtual registration page
In-person meeting: Saturday, February 22 10:00–11:30 am In-person registration page


Not an Editors Canada Member yet?

No problem. All Calgary-area editors are welcome to attend our events and meetings.

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