Welcome to the Calgary twig of Editors Canada!

Who we are

We are the Calgary twig of Editors Canada, originally serving southern Alberta, eastern British Columbia and southern Saskatchewan. In the summer of 2021, our chairs assumed the leadership of Editors Edmonton, whose members live in the greater Edmonton area, northern Alberta, and northern Saskatchewan. With the proliferation of online training capabilities over the last few years, we’re pleased to now count among our members editors from other parts of British Columbia, Yukon and the Northwest Territories, as well as eastern provinces such as Ontario. All are welcome! We are a vibrant and growing twig with a combined membership of approximately 150. Since early 2021, our chairs have been working hard to offer formal and informal events and training opportunities each month. Our events are not only way cool, but many are also open to the public. Why not join us sometime? (Rest assured that since we were founded in 2015, nobody has ever been bitten… because we don’t bite!)

Our programs

Book Club: We meet in person and virtually every six to eight weeks to discuss our latest pick. Our choices cover any topic related to being an editor, such as editing, writing, language, business building, networking, and mindset.

YYC Webinar Club: We pick a recorded webinar, purchase and watch it as a group, and then discuss what we learned. Our discussions often rival the recordings for training value! (Popcorn optional.)

Coffee & Convo: Informal meetings to chat about topics of interest and get peer feedback.

Shop Talk: Formal professional development sessions, such as guest speakers and workshops, to make our fantastic editors even more awesome.

Group #StetWalks: Because who doesn’t need some fresh air sometimes? (#StetWalk is a hashtag editors use to post pictures while out walking.)

We also partner with other organizations, such as When Words Collide, to collaborate on all things writing and editing. For more information about editing in Calgary, the support we can offer you, and all the fun you’re missing out on, we invite you to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, Twig Talk.

Looking for an editor?

Hiring a professional editor brings many advantages:

  • Get informed, objective feedback on your work to guide improvements.
  • Enhance the clarity, consistency, coherency, and correctness of your writing while saving time and frustration.
  • Rectify any issues with overall structure, flow, grammar, mechanics, and word choice.
  • Increase the likelihood of publication and broader readership.

Our editors specialize in different types of writing in numerous genres. Let us help you find just the right local editor for your important project:

  • Email us to have your request broadcast to our 150 twig members. Any interested, qualified, and available editors will respond, and from there you can pick the person best suited to you. Please include as much detail as possible about your project, the type of editing you’re looking for, your manuscript length, and preferred deadline.
  • If you don’t need a local editor, you can also search Editors Canada’s Online Directory of Editors and contact the candidates you’re interested in directly.

For more advice on hiring an editor, please visit Editors Canada’s Hire an Editor page.

Looking to join Editors Canada?

Editors Canada welcomes professional editors, students, and anyone interested in the broader industry of writing, editing, publishing, indexing, and translation. If you’re not sure where to start, contact us or come to one of our many events open to nonmembers. Member benefits at the branch and twig level include discounted rates on professional development and some member-only programming. Members can also receive editing job alerts.

To learn what Canadian editors are thinking and writing about, read The Editors’ Weekly blog.

Not an Editors Canada member yet?

No problem. All Calgary-area editors are welcome to attend our events and meetings.

Meetings and events

For events offered by other Editors Canada branches and twigs, check out the national calendar.

Virtual Coworking Corner
Mondays, March 3, 10, 17, & 24 | 2:30–4:00 pm | Free
Come when you can; enter/leave the meeting when it works best for you. Learn more and register for upcoming sessions.

March Coffee and Convo
Thursday, March 27 | 4:00–5:00 pm MT
We’re trying a new time for our March coffee and convo—a little later in the day than usual. We hope you can join us for an informal conversation on time and energy management. How do you keep on top of things, prioritize wellness, and avoid burnout? Join us to share your strategies and maybe learn some new ones! Registration is open.

News and updates

Do you want to contribute to Editors Calgary’s Linkedin page?

If you have ideas for our Linkedin page, if you want to share your knowledge, expertise, and get yourself out there, get in touch. We’d love to hear from you, and grow our community!

Are you an editor in Edmonton? We are looking for a co-chair to join the tri-force. Help connect Edmonton’s editors and contribute to our province-wide online events. Email us to learn what is involved.

Opportunity to Speak Virtually for Edmonton Public Library
The Edmonton Public Library would like to hire an Alberta editor to give a virtual talk for 60–90 minutes aimed at early-career writers and self-publishing authors who are not used to being edited. Topics of interest include types of editing, why and how to hire an editor, finding a good match, working with an editor, common pitfalls, and troubleshooting. The format can be any combination of speaking, presenting, and answering questions, or a moderated Q&A. The editor and library would agree on a mutually convenient date and time in November; the library gets the best turnout on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 7:00 pm. Payment will be $175 by cheque, issued 1–2 weeks after the event. If you are interested, please email the co-chairs before end of day Friday, October 11, with a summary of your editing and speaking experience. We will pass names of qualified candidates to the library.

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